There's no running from the negative mindset that students are forcing upon others. Either stressing due to these tests silently creeping up, an already battered self-esteem, a combination of both and any other reasons. I myself, felt quite secure. Now, more and more a little less.
This is where my blog comes in handy. Time to remind myself why I was so confident in the first place.
A list with everything I am familiar with, am trained in, and have done in preparation towards the start of the university life:
- Growth mindset:
Brain plasticity, the concept where neural pathways via neurogenesis are created or via synaptic pruning are being removed to make room for restructuring the already existing neurons.
In order to adapt and become better, you need to have an open attitude that enables the plastic brain to do its magic.
- Self-fulfilling prophecy: Once the brain is plastic, language in the form of speech and thoughts are used to manipulate outcomes. You are what you "speak".
- "Just do it!": Quit fooling around! Scared? Lazy? Both redirect you to procrastination. Which means that what you think you want but postpone on achieving, is simply not important enough. Make something a priority and naturally you'll "just do it".
- Long term goals, intrinsic values and Jordan Peterson's Rule 7 (12rules for life):
"Keep the end in mind". With this Stephen R. Covey, author of '7 habits of highly effective people', wants us to reorganize our priorities. Remember that everyday we are in the process of dying. Now, do we want to end up being surprised and die the way we are now? Or do we want to die knowing we have had a fulfilling life. A life where our goals and dreams have unified with realization. No more procrastinating only prioritizing that what is best for your future self. You want money now?
Well, if you focus on extrinsic values, you will get the money, but where is the deeper sense of achievement? Set your mind on developing yourself and exploring worlds to learn and experience all the while receiving money.
Don't make money a goal, rather opt for money as a byproduct.
Efficiency & Efficacy techniques
- Mnemo-techniques: Major System and Mind palace (I'll talk about these in depth in another post)
- Pomodoro technique: breaking down a task in multiple sessions for optimal concentration, recovery period (regarding attention and memory), incubation periods which aids in solving a current problem in need of an "Aha-erlebnis", giving the mind and body a short but a much-needed break, replacing negative stress with positive stress by breaking down a big concept into smaller concepts (inhibiting amygdala activation for fear), learn how to organize and plan within a short amount of time, etc. - Classical and Operant conditioning: With CC you'll make the tasks fun and easily to initiate, and with OC you rely on positive reinforcements to reward your hard work and effort - Meditate: Clarity is achieved by surpassing the chaos. Invest time to face the chaos, organize it, keep order and with a clear mind you will handle cognitive heavy loaded tasks much more efficient and you will possess a stronger self-efficacy.
Well being - "As the body moves, the brain grooves", said Jim Kwik, founder of 'Kwik Learning'. If you keep your body moving your brain will stay in shape too by enabling it to fire neurons more often, faster and stronger. - The body needs nourishment, feed it well to nourish the mind as well! This includes the essentials such as: a complete and balanced vitamin and mineral intake, focus on omega-3 with high DHA values, consuming the right macros such as proteins and natural fats, eat walnuts, broccoli, mushrooms and stay hydrated by drinking a lot of water. - Lastly but not least, sleep is not for the weak! Use a wake-up light alarm clock to get a more natural sleeping and waking routine, always sleep either 6, 7.5 or 9 hours and remember the most crucial rule which is to wake EVERY single day at the SAME time! In clinical psychology we encountered that the quickest fix on most psychopathologies is based on introducing a regular sleeping pattern in which the patient wakes at the same time, at all times.